In winter we need additional vitamin D
It is winter, it’s cold and grey outside, and you are sitting at home feeling tired for a while now. In addition, you feel like you’re sweating more than usual, maybe have bleeding gums, and you’re feeling languid. A winter dip? Or maybe a vitamin D deficiency? In this blog, we will tell you everything you need to know about vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, and what you can do about a vitamin D deficiency.
What is vitamin D and why do we need it?
Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, but a fat-soluble hormone that ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the body. The hormone is present in certain types of food and in dietary supplements. But what could be news to you is that most of our vitamin D is produced by our bodies themselves. This happens when ultraviolet (UVB) radiation from the sun hits your skin. So, we need vitamin D for the absorption of calcium and phosphate from food and therefore has an important role in several bodily processes, namely:
- The growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth
- The functioning and repair of muscles
- Proper functioning of the immune system

Vitamin D in summer
From April to September when the weather is nice, we are often outside. The sun is shining, the temperature is pleasant, and we regularly expose ourselves to a good portion of vitamin D. Therefore, in most cases, there is no deficiency. During the summer months, your body makes enough vitamin D by being outside, every day for 15 to 30 minutes. In doing so, it is incredibly important to properly protect yourself with SPF. With SPF 30 on your skin and hands you are already well protected and at the same time the UVB rays can still penetrate the skin, thus ensuring that you produce enough vitamin D during the summer months.

Vitamin D in winter
But what about in winter, when the days are shorter, and we hardly see the sun and are often inside? From October to March, our bodies make use of the accumulated reserves. Sounds like the solution, you might think, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Because we can hardly produce any vitamin D in winter, the reserves we built up in the months before are used up within a few weeks. After about eight weeks, the vitamin D levels drop sharply in value. The intensity of the sun’s rays is not enough to produce enough vitamin D for five months of the year. As a result, almost 80% of all people, at least in winter, are deficient in vitamin D.
This is quite worrying because vitamin D acts as a hormone, and sharp fluctuations in vitamin D levels have a signaling effect on the whole body. Young children, elderly, people with a tinted skin tone, people who don’t get outside much, and pregnant women are advised to take extra vitamin D. Fortunately, you can easily provide your body with some extra vitamin D, through supplements.
Taking supplements for vitamin D deficiency
A recommended daily allowance of 10 micrograms of vitamin D applies to everyone. For people over 70, the same 20 micrograms are recommended. But then again, how do you know for sure if you are deficient? We already mentioned some symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency, but you can also think of muscle pain, weaker bones, anxiety attacks, and cramps in the muscles and joints. We recommend always visiting your GP when you are worrying about whether you are getting enough vitamin D. A simple blood test will check your current vitamin D status, and, if necessary, the doctor will advise you to take supplements. In addition, of course, whatever the season, it is still important to take a short walk outside every day. This is not only good for vitamin D production, but also for overall health. What we cannot keep emphasising often enough is the use of sun protection. Even in winter the use of skin products with SPF is necessary.
SPF factor
Although all of our skin needs to be protected, it is our face that is the most vulnerable – the skin is thinner, and there is less fat underneath, making it more susceptible. In fact, the skin around our eyes and eyelids is the thinnest part of our face. Good to know, despite a common misconception, there is no evidence that wearing sunscreen causes vitamin D deficiency. So even if we wear the correct SPF factor, we still get vitamin D. At the same time we must wear SPF to prevent skin problems, even in winter! So without worrying, you can keep using your RoseKin products with SPF all year around. Read more about our products with SPF that, whatever the season, will always protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
A summary of everything you need to know about Vitamin D
* Most of our vitamin D is produced by our bodies themselves. This happens when ultraviolet (UVB) radiation from the sun hits your skin.
* During the summer months, your body makes enough vitamin D by being outside, every day for 15 to 30 minutes. In doing so, it is incredibly important to properly protect yourself with SPF.
* In winter, we can hardly produce any vitamin D, the reserves we built up in the months before are used up within a few weeks.
* This is quite worrying because vitamin D acts as a hormone, and sharp fluctuations in vitamin D levels have a signaling effect on the whole body.
* A recommended daily allowance of 10 micrograms of vitamin D applies to everyone.
* Despite a common misconception, there is no evidence that wearing sunscreen causes vitamin D deficiency.
* We must wear SPF to prevent skin problems, even in winter! So don’t forget to keep using your RoseKin products with SPF all year around.

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You only have 1 version of your skin – don’t forget to protect it as much as possible.
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