Finding Elegance in Sun Protection
RoseKin Cosmetics was born, based on a passion to protect people from harmful UV-rays, with makeup. We believe we can do so much more with makeup than only to get a flawless look. Let’s upgrade your makeup routine with skincare benefits and anti-aging benefits.
With RoseKin Cosmetics, you will gain far more than just the benefits of standard traditional makeup. We develop makeup to also promote healthy skin. To enhance your daily makeup routine, we combine active ingredients with colour cosmetics to provide the added benefits of treatment, protection, prevention and correction.
Your makeup is now also part of your skincare.
We work with Skin Experts
Inspired by Innovation
Vegan and Cruelty-Free
The Advantages Of Our Combinations
We focus on holistic makeup. To be more precise, we combine : makeup + sun protection + skin care
Makeup is individual, personal and fun. It perfectly emphasizes our facial features and can provide us a flawless look. As we can wear it all day long, it should feel light, comfortable and be long lasting. At RoseKin we focus on clean, high performing vegan cosmetics, as only the best is good enough for your skin.
Sun Protection
High sun protection is the single best anti-aging remedy out there. Daily exposure to the sun's UV-rays causes our skin to age faster. Meaning more wrinkles and visible sun spots. At RoseKin, we want to help protect you every day. That's why our products are developed with high levels of sun protection.
Skin Care
Active ingredients in skincare are responsible for improving common skin concerns. These ingredients bring long-term improvements to your skin beyond just hydration. At RoseKin, we enrich our makeup with high levels of antioxidants to provide you a complimentary extension to your existing skin care routine.

Let’s meet Jessica
Founder of RoseKin Cosmetics
Hi, my name is Jessica Gross, and I am the founder of RoseKin Cosmetics. We are a company committed to enhancing cosmetics to protect you from the sun’s UV-rays.
Let me share with you my story and tell you a little more how RoseKin Cosmetics all started.
It began some time ago when I was working in pharmaceutical sales where my main focus was on educating Dermatologists about available skin cancer remedies. It was astounding to discover the number of people who suffered from different types of skin cancers, just in Switzerland alone. In Switzerland, having tanned skin is desirable. This tanning culture has unquestionably caused bad habits of how someone should treat their skin. This fact became more visible and initiated a desire to educate and encourage people to avoid becoming a victim of any skin cancer.
Inspired by..
I had an opportunity to relocate to Asia and live there for two years. It was an incredible experience and such an eye-opener to diverse circumstances. However, in particular, to see how Asian cultures behaved in regards to protection against the sun, this stood out.
It was clear that they were more aware and educated regards to this topic. No matter the Asian country, you can find all kinds of excellent products with high SPF levels that can be used daily.
Not a single day without sun protection..
I wanted to know more. What was the motivation to protect themselves? Everyone had the same response: Why would I want more wrinkles and be at risk to skin cancer when I can avoid both so easily.
I started to change a lot about my behaviour. Not a single day passed where I did not cover my face and neck with SPF 50+ Makeup and Skincare. I got so used to makeup with high SPF levels that I was surprised when I tried to buy one in Switzerland. I couldn’t find a suitable and affordable product.
At that moment I exactly knew what I wanted to do ->
RoseKin Cosmetics was born...
RoseKin was born, based on a passion to protect people from the harmful UV-rays, with makeup. I believe we can do so much more with makeup than only get a flawless look.
I hope the products of RoseKin Cosmetics can help you to find it easy to protect yourself without compromising the look and feel of your skin. High SPF products should become a habit – a daily habit.
My goal is to help reduce the incredibly high level of skin cancer we have in Switzerland together.
Lots of Love

RoseKin Cosmetics works on your skin – for your skin!